Find Your Peace

For people nearing the end of their life, simply sitting with an end-of-life doula (such as myself) can bring peace and comfort. No need for words. I bring my connection to Spirit, my ability to be with discomfort, and, if appropriate, my gentle touch.

Celebrate the joys, resolve past stresses

For people experiencing death anxiety, benefits of the ‘find your peace’ process include

  • less anger, regret, fear and depression

  • greater sense of completeness and appreciation for your life
  • live more fully until your times comes for a natural death

As we reflect on our lives, past hurts or perceived failures can be roadblocks to a peaceful death. Through the ‘find your peace’ process, I’m here to help you

  • identify and work through unsettled relationships and unresolved situations

  • connect to your sense of spirituality, whatever that is for you

  • recognize your achievements and value the life you have lived

Elizabeth offered clear, kind and attuned companionship.

~ Alana L. (Nelson, B.C.)