Body-Based Wisdom For Finding Peace

Hi, I’m Elizabeth, founder of Close Comforts. I feel privileged to help people navigate through some of the toughest periods of their lives. Whether you’re living with a chronic condition, approaching the end of your life, or seeking to transform stress or trauma patterns, I offer support that makes the journey easier.

With over 19 years experience as an allied health professional (shiatsu and massage therapy), my approach is gentle yet straightforward. I am deeply committed to fostering emotional and spiritual healing and believe in nurturing a community that supports its members—through all phases of life and death.

Away from work, I love exploring nature with my dog. These moments outdoors are vital for recharging my spirit and strengthening my ability to care for others.

I would be honored to support you on your journey. Reach out to me today and learn how our work together can help you find more comfort and peace.

~ Elizabeth Close

Why I do this work

My own struggles with severe anxiety as a young, healthy person led me to this work. I discovered that much of my anxiety stemmed from unresolved grief, trauma, and a deep-seated fear of death. By addressing these issues, clarifying my personal values, and creating a holistic plan for my ‘ideal death,’ I found profound peace.

This journey not only healed aspects of my own life but also strengthened and deepened my family relationships. Now, years later, I am here to support you in finding a similar peace that’s as uniting as it is healing.

My mission is clear: to help others find peace in their living and dying. I believe that when peace and comfort spread from one person to another, we can build a calmer, more caring world.

Client Testimonials

Elizabeth has a way of communicating that brings peace of mind.

~ Michele G., End-of-Life Doula client, Vancouver, BC
Elizabeth’s calmness, kindness, and comfort with the dying process are contagious.
~ Marial S., Registered Massage Therapy client, Vancouver, BC
Elizabeth offered clear, kind, and attuned companionship.
~ Alana L., End-of-Life Doula client, Nelson, BC

My Values

  • Holism: I believe in providing person-centered care that honours the connection between the mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
  • Presence: I commit to listening deeply and truly recognizing the wisdom each person brings.
  • Choice: Informed consent is at the core of all our communication. And, with end-of-life doula services, I help you understand your options for care during life’s final chapters and beyond.
  • Self-Determination: You are the best judge of what you need. My role is to support and empower you in making decisions that align with your values and wishes.

These values shape every interaction at Close Comforts, creating a compassionate, respectful environment where sessions are tailored to meet your needs.

My Credentials

  • End-of-Life Doula Association of Canada (current registered member)

  • Registered Massage Therapist (2012 – current)

  • Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (2023 – current)

  • End-of-Life Doula certificate (Douglas College, 2020)

  • Hospice Volunteer (2019 – 2024)

  • Master of Rehabilitation Science (UBC, 2021)

  • Conscious Living, Conscious Dying workshop (Dale Borglum, 2021)

  • Registered Shiatsu Therapist (2005 – 2018)

  • Bachelor of Arts, Family Science major (UBC, 1999)